Papers published by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Program receive special merit as being the product of a research body outside of typical academia. Extension publications typically are sent to smaller in-house publishing services, and often produce several monthly or annual volumes detailing ongoing research.
- Helmers, M.2008. Nitrates and subsurface drainage for southern Iowa. p. 25. In: 2008 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.
- Helmers, M. 2007. Drainage/water quality: Implications of continuous corn. p. 28 In 2007 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200f. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA
- Frankenberger, J., Kladivko, E., Sands, G., Jaynes, D.B., Fausey, N.R., Helmers, M., Cooke, R., Strock, J., Nelson, K., Brown, L. 2006. Drainage Water Management for the Midwest. Purdue Extension, Knowledge to Go. WQ-44.
Targeted Conservation and Buffers
- Schulte, L.A., H. Asbjornsen, R. Atwell, C. Hart, M. Helmers, T. Isenhart, R. Kolka, M. Liebman, J. Neal, M. O’Neal, S. Secchi, R. Schultz, J. Thompson, M. Tomer, and J. Tyndall. 2008. A targeted conservation approach for improving environmental quality: Multiple benefits and expanded opportunities. PMR 1002 Iowa State University Extension.
- Wortmann, C. S., M. J. Helmers, B. Gelder, L. Wright Morton, D. Devlin, C. Barden, S. Anderson, R. Broz, T. Franti, T. Regassa, P. Shea, M. Tomer, L. Frees, and D. Griffith. 2008. Targeting of watershed management practices for water quality protection. Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative. Iowa State University Extension. [Reviewed by co-authors that contributed to other sections of the publication]
- Helmers, M. 2007. Conservation systems for non-point source pollution. p. 30. In 2007 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200f. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.
Regional Water Quality
- Helmers, M.J. 2008. Manure application to soybeans. eXtension website ( (verified February 29, 2008). Peer-reviewed website as part of the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (Prepared November 2007).
- Frankenberger,J., E. Kladivko, G Sands, D Jaynes, N Fausey, M.J. Helmers, R. Cooke, J. Strock, K. Nelson, and L. Brown. 2006. Drainage Water Management for the Midwest: Questions and Answers about Drainage Water Management for the Midwest. WQ-44. Purdue University Extension.
Regional Drainage Water Management.pdf
- Wortman, C.S., M. Al-Kaisi, M.J. Helmers, J. Sawyer, D. Devlin, C. Barden, P. Scharf, R. Ferguson, W. Kranz, C. Shapiro, R. Spalding, D. Tarkalson, J. Holz, D. Francis, and J. Schepers. 2006. Agricultural nitrogen management and water quality protection in the Midwest. RP189 Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative. Iowa State University Extension.
- Wortman, C.S., M.J. Helmers, A. Mallarino, C. Barden, D. Devlin, G. Pierzynksi, J. Lory, R. Massey, J. Holz, C. Shapiro, and J. Kovar. 2005. Agricultural phosphorus management and water quality protection in the Midwest. RP187 Heartland Regional Water Coordination Initiative. Iowa State University Extension.
Conference Proceedings without Review
- Helmers, M.J., X. Zhou, H. Asbjornsen, R. Kolka, and M. Tomer. 2011. Water quality benefits of perennial filter strips in row cropped watersheds. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 30 and December 1, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 139-144. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J., R. Christianson, and J. Sawyer. 2011. Nitrate loss in subsurface drainage as affected by nitrogen application rate and timing under a corn-soybean rotation system. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 30 and December 1, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 123-128. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Dounda, J., M.J. Helmers, and M. O’Neal. 2011. Can conservation complement agriculture? In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 30 and December 1, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 129-130.
- Helmers, M.J. 2010. Drainage Management and nitrogen loss. North Central Extension-Industry Conference Proceedings. Des Moines, IA
- Helmers, M. J.2010. Nitrogen loss through tile lines. p. 22. In: 2010 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J., and J.L. Baker. 2010. Strategies for nitrate reduction: The Cedar River case study. In: Proceedings of the 22st Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 1 and 2, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 195-199. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J., A. Mallarino, C. Pederson, and M. Haq. 2010. Impacts of crop, biomass harvest systems, and nutrient management on field and subsurface drainage water quality. In: Proceedings of the 22st Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 1 and 2, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 191-194. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M. J.and R. Christianson. 2009. Impact of application rate and timing on nitrate-nitrogen loss through subsurface drainage systems. In: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 2 and 3, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 133-138. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Zhou, X.* and M. J. Helmers. 2009. Effectiveness of variable-width buffer design for sediment reduction. In: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 2 and 3, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 145-150. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M. J.2009. Water quality research in northern Iowa. p. 27. In: 2009 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Qi. Z. andM. J. Helmers. 2008. Effect of cover crops in reducing nitrate-nitrogen leaching in Iowa. In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 10 and 11, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 283-294. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Zhou, X. andM. J. Helmers. 2008. Impacts of extreme precipitation events on performance of conservation practices. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 10 and 11, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 275-282. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.2008. Nitrates and subsurface drainage for southern Iowa. p. 25. In: 2008 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.2007. Drainage water quality: Implications of continuous corn. p. 28. In: 2007 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200f. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.2007. Conservation systems for non-point source pollution. p. 30. In: 2007 Proceedings Crop Advantage Series. AEP 0200f. Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J. and P. Lawlor. 2007. Comparison of nitrate-nitrogen in subsurface drainage from continuous corn and corn-soybean rotation. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 29 and 30, 2007, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 265-277. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J. and X. Zhou. 2007. Conservation systems and water quality: Estimating the impact of in-field management practices on surface water quality using the WEPP model. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 29 and 30, 2007, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 261-264. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J. and R. Singh. 2006. Economic and environmental considerations for drainage design. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 29 and 30, 2006, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 239-244. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J. and P.A. Lawlor. 2005. Conservation systems: Effects of manure application on drainage water quality. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (November 30 and December 1, 2005, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 177-188. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
- Helmers, M.J. and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2003. Performance of vegetative filters considering conservation practices, field slope, and storm characteristics. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference (December 3-4, 2003, Iowa State University, Ames, IA), pp. 187-196. [Oral Presentation - Helmers]
*MS, Ph.D., Post Doc, or Research Associate supervised by Helmers